Lonestar specializes in providing a combination of OCTG inspection of Bottom Hole Assemblies, Drill Pipes, Tubing and Casing, Hoisting and Handling Tools, Load Testing and other engineering services.
Bottom Hole Assemblies
Bottom Hole Assembly (“BHA”) inspection consists of inspection of drill collars, heavy weight drill pipe, cross over subs, stabilizers, reamers and bit subs. The inspection of bottom hole assemblies includes wet, fluorescent, Magnetic Particle Inspection of threads and upset areas, Visual Inspection of threads for mechanical damage, over torque. Dimensional check of thread components, field repair as well as thread profile, and lead check of threads. BHA inspection will conform to API RP7, T.H.Hill DS1, or any other standards nominated by the client. Inspection equipment is mobile and inspection can be done at the rig site or at the client’s yard. Lonestar can field reface common rotary-shouldered connections if required. Minor damage to the seal area can be removed with Prefacing to set limits. Damage beyond set limits requires shop repair.
Drill Pipes
Drill Pipes Inspection is set at regular intervals depending on drilling conditions and past failures experienced. For Drill Pipes Inspection Lonestar uses New Tech Systems, Electromagnetic Inspection Units (EMI) with wall loss monitor. These Units are capable of inspecting 2 3 / 8" up to 6 5 / 8" OD drill pipe. Wall thickness readings are required to be taken, with the use of Ultrasonic Thickness gauges. Values for down grading pipe due to wall thickness loss are set by client or inspected to comply with set standards. The set standards will conform to API RP7G, T.H.Hill DS1 or any other standards nominated by the client.
In addition to tubular body inspection, thread inspection is carried out both visually and dimensionally for API and premium connections.
We also offer services, which includes Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) of drilling rig mast, sub base, pipe elevators, slips, tongs, sheaves, welded areas of high-pressure lines and various other hoisting and drilling equipment. Most of the above items are inspected utilizing A.C. Yoke magnetic flow technique.
Tubing / Casing
Lonestar can perform Visual Inspection of the body (and thread) to identify external damage and full-length drifting of the tubular structures. Additionally, maintenance services, like cleaning, coating, hardness testing, thread-gauging and ultrasonic wall-thickness measurement are conducted by Lonestar technicians.
Handling & Hoisting Tools Inspection Service
A spectrum of tools including, but not limited to, hooks, traveling blocks, tongs, elevators, links, swivels, and clamps are inspected. Techniques employed include Visual Examination and Magnetic Particle Inspection on critical areas, generating integrated computerized reports.
OCTG Inspection Services are available only in Lonestar Iraq branch